Thursday, August 17, 2017

How much time do we have?

To our dear praying friends,
Some years ago, we took in a single mother who had come to our town to look for work. She eventually moved elsewhere and got a job. Last week she and her 2 daughters came back for a visit. They are 15 and 13. You can imagine the change over an absence of something like 2 years. Then they wanted to see our animals. Now they wanted to go to the disco and dance. This was a reminder to me that we must be very proactive in our outreach to children. A major need is for committed helpers. PLEASE PRAY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO HELP.
We have shared with you about the neighborhood where we have open air activities for Spanish and Moroccan children in the town of JaraĆ­z. The family who formed a team with us are no longer here, and the young people who came for the summer campaign are also gone. Last Sunday, preaching at a church near here that we helped start some years ago, I mentioned the need for help with children. Afterwards 2 ladies said they would like to come and help. PRAY THAT WE WILL SEE A COMMITTED TEAM INCLUDING YOUNG PEOPLE FROM THIS CHURCH.
One result of the OM Summer Transform Campaign (12 people from 11 countries) has been an opening in another town. I believe it is time to follow through on our contacts in Candeleda. Same plan, begin with a team of committed Christians (full-time or part-time) who will have activities for children and recruit local youth to help. These local young people will have the opportunity to really get to know the gospel through close contact with our team. PRAY FOR THE 2 YOUNG MEN WHO HAVE SIGNED UP FOR THE AIM PROGRAM, (SEPTEMBER) THAT GOD WILL GREATLY USE THEM TO REACH OUT TO OTHER YOUNG PEOPLE AFTER THEY BECOME MORE FLUENT IN SPANISH. (One from Switzerland and another from the U.S.)
Why start with children? My summarized answer would be, 50 years of experience. A more complete explanation is given by Luis Bush in his promotion of the 4/14 window. Here are a few links that say it better than I can - 3minute video about the need to reach children; 6 minute video on makingchildren a priority; 6minute video about discipling Christian children.
You can see that short-term campaigns can make a great impact but the real work does not get done unless there is Continuity. We are here for the long haul to see the formation of vibrant groups of believers who can serve all Christians in their local area. Do you know of someone who may have a call to participate in this harvest? PRAY THEM INTO ACTION.
God bless you in your field of labor,