Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Looking for Elkanah and Hannah

Every summer we go through part of the Old Testament. On July 1 we began 1 Samuel. I am envious of Eli. How wonderful it would be to have a little boy (or girl) sent by God through their mother and father, and teach them. He would learn the Word of God with me. He would learn to prune the grapes and feed the sheep and gather the eggs. As a person called by God to be his messenger he wouldn't have to commit all the errors that some of us have committed. He would be a genuine apprentice and I would be fulfilling the mission of training others. We would help him to identify his spiritual gifts and help him with his homework as he attends the local school. He would be a prime object of our prayers and we would hope to see him develop a great ministry. That's what happened to Samuel when his mother dropped him off at the temple.